Monday, February 16, 2009

D-day is Coming!

To the few faithful readers who have asked for an update, I am happy to inform you that our little baby is growing just as he should (as far as can be seen from ultrasounds anyway) and is a very active little boy. He likes to move around for a good portion of each day and does his best to interfere with his mom's exercise. (Almost every time I start doing some kind of exercising he starts punching or kicking me, making it very difficult to exercise.) Someone pointed out to me that he may just be joining in and trying to get his exercise at the same time, in which case I suppose I can't fault him.

We are planning on calling him Christopher James. That may change when we actually see him, but that's the plan for now. We look forward to welcoming him into the world in the next five weeks, give or take a few. I will try to post pictures sometime soon after he is born, but I make no promise of further blog postings prior to that. And for those of you hoping to see a picture of me and my huge belly, too bad. If you haven't seen it in person, you'll just have to miss out. It's too depressing to see pictures of myself at this stage. When I'm looking in the mirror I can still believe I'm cute, but the pictures just make me look like a bloated walrus and I can't take that.